
By Missycat

Tiny Tuesday 45 Earrings #4

A busy day for me today, with work of the paid variety: some payroll tasks as it's the end of the tax year and a few extra tasks that I've been asked to complete.   I can't say that the garden/patio renovation was a hive of activity: on the contrary, no one arrived to work today, which seems a great waste of a lovely sunny day.
I did escape from my desk and take a few flower shots  for TT45, but wasn't overly keen so I went back to my jewellery box and chose yet another pair from my large collection of earrings.  Those who've seen my other pairs will know that I favour 'costume' jewellery and the sparklier the better!

Many thanks to JDO for hosting this month ( do follow my link and look at her x rated ladybirds!).  My apologies for the late post, but as always, the photo is actually  taken 'on the day'.

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