The First Spot of Color!

Dear Diary,

Finally, a tiny spot of color in the yard!  These bluebells are always the first to bloom each year and they don't mind a dusting of snow.  I only plant really hearty plants.  I have no time nor inclination to fuss with prima donnas.  Cold and drought resistant need only apply!

I began cutting in some simply stone steps down from the studio garden area which, at the moment, looks like a war zone.  They need a bit of finishing off today.   How I will transform this space by the end of June remains to be seen.  There is an awkward concrete "platform" that use to serve the old deck stairs but it has to stay as it is tied into the low stone wall.  Removing it may undermine the wall.  So, I've decided to put a bit of lipstick on the pig as the old saying goes and add a large planter to it. 

I will work most of the day today outside but then I plan to visit my cousins and spend the night.  All work and no play makes for an exhausted, dull, and unhappy gardener!

Gardening is an exercise in optimism. Sometimes, it is a triumph of hope over experience. - Marina Schinz

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