Hamlet As You Like It!

Busy day.  Up early to get to the garage to pick up our new car.  With John changing jobs soon,  the white Volvo will have to be returned.  We have replaced it with the same model but in black.  It is parked on the drive for the week looking clean and beautiful (we'll soon sort out the 'clean' bit!) as we headed off for Luton airport and are now in Spain.  It's very late but we are enjoying a glass of wine before bed.  I don't think we will be very lively on our first day. 

To keep with the poetry month theme,  I have adjusted the opening of
a soliloquy from Hamlet to fit with the journey.  

The flight was actually very good and the slickest turn-arounds I remember: people off, people straight on, sit down, start to taxi, short taxi so straight up and off.

So, Hamlet perchance......

To fy, or not to fly, that is the question,
Whether 'tis nobler for the purse to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous airlines
Or to take arms against a wealth of issues,
And by complaining end them. To read - to sleep-
Yet more; and by a sleep to say we end
The torment, and the thousand heavy kicks
From just behind:

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