my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

All About Eve

It was the end of year awards for the girl's school today. So I headed to church to watch the children sing and celebrate the end of term.

Year 6 had learnt to sign the words to 'Firework' by Katy Perry - it was very emotional and me and my friend had a little cry. Her daughter is in that class and will be leaving....but me? I had no excuse for blubbing.

Eve got the award for the year for her class - I was SO proud, and she was quite rightly very pleased with herself. I am equally proud of Jeanne. She has found school quite a struggle this year but she has done brilliantly despite facing issues that even as a grown up I would find difficult.

I'm proud of all three of my ladies every single second of every single day.

After church I had a visit in one of the three schools near one of my libraries. Nothing beats walking in a school and kids coming up and hugging you and saying "KATE, Kate! The library lady is here" It makes all the *other* stress worthwhile. I was really moved.

I didn't manage to get a photo of Eve getting her award..and had to walk out of church early to get to work (but at that point the vicar had started talking about the Ark and hadn't mentioned I didn't feel TOO bad)

My girls aren't here, so couldn't take their pic tonight either. But Evie's current obsession is TOY DAY. My girls have missed a lot of the last day of term in the past because of holidays.

Evie actually said "Oh, it's good you can't take us on holiday mum..because we get to have TOY DAY"

I agreed.. "it is somewhat more affordable kid"

Every waking moment is concerned with Eve taking her Littlest Pet Shop toys in on the last day of term. Including the special Rainbow one* BLIP.

The details for Operation Overlord have NOTHING on her intricate plans for Operation LPS TOYDAY.


and a bit about me...

I got promised my favourite Lloyd Cole intro by the lovely man

Tonight I got sent a video of him playing it. He did it for me!


She comes in colours everywhere;
She combs her hair
She's like a rainbow
Coming colours in the air
Oh, everywhere
She comes in colours


Today was All About Eve.

(The band Eve Martha is named for)


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