Flowers Everywhere

I am pretty sure it is all the rain that did it. Something made this spring a burst of flowers everywhere you look. It started with masses of magnolias and progressed through flowering plum and cherry. On to laurels covered in white coats of blossoms and candy tufts adding their white faces to the riot of white. Flowers everywhere.

Still today was kind of a lost day, at least the first half of it. It involved running around getting keys, going and picking up Bunny, returning the keys. Having long talks and trying to find ways to express our concern while staying somewhat detached. Not an easy day. Final result - Miss Bunny back at our house again for a time.

Things brightened when Dave and Nora arrived and the four of us went to Guiseppi's for a late afternoon dinner. Nora headed home and Dave stayed for Carcassonne. That was lovely and dinner was delicious. Arvin and I ended the evening with TV - Call the Midwife and Grantchester. Bed on time because Monday is an early morning.

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