Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

In transition...

"We blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree,
And wither and perish, but nought changeth Thee."
William Chalmers Smith (1824-1908)

Anyone, (apart from SweetArt, Jellyfox, Tigg and rachelwhynot) who can tell me the name of that hymn, gets a heart from me... :)

So... I live in a desert where people always complain there are no seasons, except... plants tell a different story! We are rapidly approaching the time when Dubai will be beautifully decorated in red, orange and yellow courtesy of the flame trees which alongside the date palm and bougainvillea, grow very prolifically here. I can't wait.

I've been paying extra attention to the trees along any of the roads I'm on, and noticed that they are looking rather dead! Nearly all their tiny green compound leaves fallen off, and on the tree in my blip (which happens to be opposite Gs bedroom window), you can see the pods waiting to fall to the ground. I think they are called jacaranda in some places.

For SweetArt, my elder sister, G and me, today marks 5 years that a thoughtless, reckless driver brought my Dad's life to a very abrupt end. It was a Monday as well! Neither of us were in Dubai at the time, so G had to make the difficult calls to notify the family/friends, and my friends at work did everything they could to get SweetArt and me back in Dubai asap. SweetArt's blip tells of what a great person my father was. I have to say, I really miss him and he would have been thrilled that G & I are now almost opposite to his flat had he still been around. I bet he would love to come and enjoy the garden and sit on the seat in my blip!

So... to mark the great memories we have of my Dad, in typical G style, she made one of the dishes he used to - something I haven't had in 5 years apart from the one time SweetArt made it on one of her visits - aloo keema (minced meat with potatos) and chickpea rice! G did well... she even used ghee (or a G modified version).

And if you wonder if the image of my blip is metaphorical... it most certainly is. How true those lyrics are though... Totally inspired. I wish I could write lines like that! :D

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