'Our' Mountain

Most of my regular followers will know that I am often in Spain (we have a villa here), which is great, but does mean quite a lot of time on my visits is in sorting out the villa. We (John and I) have recently had a space in the property converted from a rubbish/storage dump into a third bedroom; this particular trip is to kit the converted space with the necessary furniture.

So today we have been to all sorts of places . First, to buy two single beds (delivered this afternoon) and then to IKEA in Murcia (about a 30 minute drive) to get most of the other items needed.  So it has been a long, tiring day!  BUT, tomorrow we can start the exciting part of putting it all together!  There is bound to be a blip of the completed room later in the week!!!

I was also suffering from 'having-left-my-laptop-charger-at-home' syndrome but today have had a 'charge' from neighbour-over-the-road' who also (through her Amazon.es account) ordered me a new charger which will arrive tomorrow! Three cheers for Amazon!!!  

It looks as if we will have the new room sorted within a few days and may even have a few more days of genuine holiday time. The weather is great for sitting by the pool but not for going in it; far too cold at this time of year!!!!

I have done my best to achieve the monomonday challenge of new beginnings. Gary the 'painter' (the newly converted space needed painting) spotted this unusual cloud formation over 'our' mountain when he called round to collect his money for the painting early this morning - not quite dawn but not too far off!.  Gary the Painter  was soon followed by Gary the 'Pool man' who looks after the pool for us - all ok there.

I will always do a good 'off-peak' rate for Blippers who fancy a three bed villa with private pool on the Costa Blanca - quiet, non-tourist, 20 minute drive from coast. Blipper neighbour!!!

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