My First Cut

Today was the day of Tamzin's big chop for the Little Princess Trust and I'd arranged with Chris (Gogglebox) to do the cut for her and Tamzin asked if I'd take some photos.  

I met Tamzin and Mr W in Hove and they very kindly treated me to lunch before heading over to Chris'.  Chris platted her hair and cut 12 inches off which could be donated, and then he set to styling her hair.  He did a great job and she looks fantastic, but I'll let her show you the new look.

My hair is growing quickly now so he offered to give me my first cut to tidy up the wispy, sticky out bits and he said he'll continue to do that for me until the top has grown long enough to start styling.  I'm looking forward to trying out some funky styles!

Alan's landed safely and is on his way home, but he said the traffic's very heavy on the M25 so it'll probably be about 9pm when he gets home - can't wait to see him!

Anyway, I'm going to make a curry for when he gets in, so I'd better go and get it started.  Have a good weekend!

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