Hubble, Bubble, Toil & Trouble

Sorted out a load of books (and I mean a load) and took them off to the charity shop.

Stopped off for lunch at a well known 'fast food' (bit of a joke that one) outlet where SWMBO gave some kids a bollocking for squirting sauce all over the counter.
Well, their mothers weren't doing it - and never said a word afterwords either.
Sat out in the sun to eat and had to witness more extreme bad manners - obviously learnt from the mothers who seemed to think it was quite alright to barge in front of people in a queue and butt in while orders were being taken.
Left before I lost the rag.................

Afternoon spent putting together a flat-pack chest of drawers, taking it apart again (since the instructions intructed putting the drawer runners on upside down) and then reconstructing it all again.

Then up to the dump with the old chest (25 years isn't bad for what was a cheap MDF thing) where I found the rudeness (and downright dangerous behaviour) was coming from adults.

And they say they want to make it illegal to smack a child!

If they do that we need to have a cull of people/parents who cannot be trusted to have kids and bring them up properly (a slap just isn't enough for them).

Rant over.................

Now I need to break open a beer to wash down my rather nice pasta diner.

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