Lapwing Courtship Flight

A rather indistinct image but I've posted this as I've never seen or photographed lapwings doing, as it says in my Ladybird What To Look For In Spring,  "their springtime display - dancing flight of wonderful aerial acrobatics, fluttering and falling like blown leaves, then abruptly rising from their earthward dives."

The huge field of spring sown barley at Lodge Farm is greening up and I could see just two birds way in the distance. When I trained the long lens on them I could discern that they were lapwings, or peewits as I like to call them. I watched them for ages. I was too far away to see but whilst on the ground between flights the male pulls at leaves and throws them over his shoulder and scrapes at the ground to make a depression where his chosen mate might choose to lay her eggs.

The word lapwing is derived from this tumbling flight and from the fact that a lapwing will pretend to have a broken wing to lure predators away from its nest. I've just read that the collective noun for lapwings is a deceit. 

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