I did a bit of tidying up in the garden this afternoon.  I moved a pot which was standing on a decorative brick and then I saw all these snails huddled in the gap. 

The weather has been nice again today - plenty of sunshine and no rain. 

I had company while I was outside - Fluffy my neighbours cat stayed close by and she brought a friend - another black cat.  I thought at first it was Cookie but this one had a tail  Fluffy and this other cat seemed to be the best of friends.  I put a couple of photos on Flickr. FLUFFY and NEW BLACK CAT

I didn't get as many chores done today as I wanted but I did get some washing done and I made a chicken tagine for my tea.

Neil was at work today until 9pm and he came here afterwards.  He has been on late shifts all week so I haven't seen him - but he has a day off tomorrow so he will just stay here and relax.

Becky completed the Brighton Marathon in 4 hours 12 mins. That's 17 mins faster than the last time she did it.  Well done Becky. I have added a photo in my Extras.

Steps today - 4,351

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