
By atoll


Northern Quarter (NQ) in Manchester has some interesting public art scattered around it, but not applied sculpture in clean civic spaces with a whiff of gentrification regeneration, but much more free-spirited and alternative. I have no idea who this graffiti art masterpiece is by, and even tried searching for it on the Internet afterwards. Maybe that is just as well.

When I first stumbled upon the area in the early 80's it was not called Northern Quarter, in fact I don't recall it was called anything. What it did have though was an old department store called Afflecks Palace - a place for second hand clothes and records; and Band on the Wall - a fabulous live music venue. Both still exist today, and I suppose it was effectively these two that led the way in this part of town at least.

I had held off blipping today as I had hoped tonight to upload some long exposures of night shots. Wasted my time really as nothing very worthwhile came out of that.

Dead beat and and early start tomorrow. Driving over to pick up my mum, who is now after all coming to stay and come to see RHS Tatton.

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