Nice legs I thought!

A little meeting over at Sunnybank Mills Gallery in Farsley this afternoon... well what a quirky place that is!
We were allowed to have a sneaky peek at an old mill floor which is going to be knocked down... which is where I found this sheep.... who'd clearly been out supporting 'Le Tour' at some point.  Also spotted a horse and a wee face thingy, (extras) as well as an art installation made out of sheered wool, a church pew, an old typewriter and a sign which said 'trouble at t'mill'... loved it all!

They've also a place call 'Scrap' which is full of 'rubbish stuff' to buy.. but it was shut.. but I'll go back another day as topical to Monday's blip :) 

Installed and updated El Capitan this evening.... which took waaaaaaay too long and now I'm all behind... and what ever has El Capitan done with everything!!! :/

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