Daffodils at Brodie Castle

Mike had a meeting near Brodie Castle this afternoon so he dropped me by the pond. The sun had come out and it was lovely and warm. I walked along to the birdhide and watched the swan glide by. Several mallards were around too and I'm sure a female flew down from a tree. One tufted duck was having a clean using his feet to splash his feathers with water I had a nice walk through the trees listening to the birdsong.
I found a geo cache and had a peep inside. It contained a smurf, some sweets and a few written verses.
I walked beside the wonderful daffodils, a mass of yellows of all shades and smelling fantastic.
The walled garden was very warm with daffodils from the large collection planted in rows. One orange tip butterfly fluttered by.So many things to photograph , thank goodness I'm not using film !

Back home and we caught up with the Queens 90th Birthday celebrations. The funniest bits of the day for us was a lady charging down the road in Windsor after an escaped number 9 balloon and the lighting of a beacon they showed on The One Show which lit a lot quicker than the one in Windsor and they had to almost pull the 93 year old lady who lit it away from it as the whole thing went up in flames.
The Queen seemed to be enjoying her birthday and it was great to see so many children singing Happy Birthday and holding bunches of flowers and handmade cards:)

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