The Way I See Things


Just too difficult!

“Oh good grief!” said Eristalis pertinax, throwing up his tiny paws in despair, “It’s just too difficult! I’ll be here till Christmas trying to sort out which of these Tiny Tuesday entries I like best…”

After a good night’s sleep my idiotic joints were slightly less of a problem today, so after a morning slonked at my desk I decided to risk a little light gardening this afternoon. No digging or weeding, you understand, but I did manage to finish (only a month or so late) pruning and feeding all the roses. I also took plenty of bug photos, for recording purposes as well as for my own entertainment, and quite a few of them were of Eristalis pertinax, which was stalking me round the garden. It’s not the first time this has happened and I’m beginning to get used to it now, though the first couple of times I found it quite unnerving - finding myself face to face with a small squadron of hovering flies made me feel rather like the Death Star, especially as they would take immediate evasive action (without actually going very far away) every time I pointed the camera at them. I’ve put a selection of today’s shots on my Facebook page, if you’re interested.

So now - Tiny Tuesday, which seems to get harder to judge every week. It’s a real pleasure though - which is just as well, as it took me six complete passes through this week’s entries to narrow down my choices. In the order they come up on the tag search, my hearts this week go to:


And my Honourable Mentions this week go to:


I’d also like to give a special HM to DonnaWanna - her main shot didn’t really say the word “tiny” to me, but I love it anyway, and she posted a great tiny extra.

Next week is my last hurrah at the helm of Tiny Tuesday, so I do hope you’ll all come out to play again then. The following week it will return home to its creator, as WWombat hosts it through to its first anniversary.

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