Pin Oak

Pin Oaks give us some of the richest autumn colours. I think many specimens are now grafted for maximum colour impact. I've noted through the years some of the older Pin Oaks don't have consistent colour year to year, rather it depends on climatic factors.

This is one of many trees planted in my local supermarket car park. Many of them were either destroyed by earthquake liquefaction, or had to be removed as part of the demolition and rebuilid of the supermarket. Happily they've been replanted :-)

I was home by mid-afternoon and managed to squeeze in several jobs. The biggest was striping both beds and taking off the electric blankets. I took them away to be tested (they passed), turned the mattress on my bed, put the electric blankets back on, and remade both beds. Blimey it's a big job.

3 day weekend. Yuss!

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