Watching me watching him

First thing this morning we spotted a deer a few feet from the edge of our garden, which isn't surprising, as we have a wood next to us, and a river behind us. We know that they emerge from the wood and go down to the water to drink, as we often see their foot prints. However, we don't normally see deer in the daylight - in fact I think it's the first time in 9 years that we have.
At about 2pm I went into the garden to call C in for his lunch, and spotted this little fellow looking at me from the wood. He was there long enough for me to go back into the house to fetch my camera, and then waited while I climbed onto a chair to get a better view. What was strange was that C had gone into the wood to plant some trees (don't ask - he often does that), so the deer was in between us. When C turned up a couple of minutes later, he hadn't seen the deer at all, so I guess it's hiding in the undergrowth. It makes me wonder whether it has a fawn hidden there, as it has been hanging around for several hours now.
From the markings on its face, it could be a muntjac, however it looked a bit too large for that.

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