I'm not the same person

When I go cycling. This uber competetive me comes to the surface and if I'm on my own or with Mick but out in front I treat every stretch of road like a race track. Still, on the plus side, I achieved 6 personal bests today :-)

Finally finished painting the glass panelled door between the lounge and the kitchen yesterday. Only trouble with paining the woodwork where one room meets another is that it makes the woodwork in the room that is not being decorated look dull and to be quite honest dirty so you start thinking that you need to decorate that room. If taken to its logical conclusion, you end up redecorating the whole house. A clever alternative would be to have different coloured woodwork in every room. That way there is a natural barrier preventing this need to propagate the clean white look from room to room. I wonder if I can get away with that one?

I think I may have been the victim of a credit card fraud. Someone has ordered a spinning top on my credit card. Luckily they are having it delivered to my house so no harm done. Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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