
By Beewriter

It rained on my parade!!

I woke up this morning and I still had a green face!!!!! Well, not as green as yesterday, but there was a decidedly mouldy tinge to it. I scrubbed and scrubbed and I think I am back to normal....well as normal as I can be!

I whizzed into town to see the St George's Day parade. It was rather chilly and it rained on my new camera. It wasn't the best parade I've seen, but it was okay for a few pics. I loved the hundred or more mods who biked past on their mopeds. We all stood breathing in the fog of carbon monoxide as they revved in appreciation of the flag waving and clapping. 

I called in on Sian on the way home for a cuppa, then I called in on Carole for another cuppa. Now I'm all tead out and slumped in my onesie on the sofa. 

Three more days then I'm off for

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