
By Realgrumpytyke

Front page

Great to be able to go to this evening's session of our eggs2iPads project to tell both the young teachers and the elderly students that they made the front page of our local daily paper. Not only that, but the story made the best part of a full page inside (see extra). If interested you should be able to read them if viewed large.
However, the story can also be read in the online paper but of course that misses the excitement of getting on the front page. I'm old fashioned; I like to read things on paper.
Pity all those involved couldn't be pictured but of course that would not have made a good Press pic. Quite chuffed the picture editor used two of the dozen or so I sent in. All the same, youngsters and oldsters were delighted. You have, of course, seen Hattie twice in another of her roles, singer/songwriter, most recently in the 22 April blip.

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