Still there

This morning I cycled to the nature reserve to visit the wild plants and flowers market that had been organised there by the local nature society to increase their funds. A tree, that has looked very much like the face in the painting "The Scream" by Edvard Munch for years now, is still there but each time it seems to have crumbled that little bit more and sometimes I wonder how long it will be until it won't look like the painting anymore.

On the way to the nature reserve, I had to cycle past the Great Crested Grebes nest from yesterday's blip and from the other side of the street, I could see a huge amount of activity on the water around the platform on which their nest was/is. I couldn't bear to stay and look for the Grebes and on the way back I even made a detour to avoid the area altogether. I have been hoping and praying the rest of the day that the Grebes won't have abandoned their nest entirely and that peace and quiet will have returned to the area after the weekend.

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