Symphony in four movements

Well, maybe missing the Adagio, as I didn’t manage to catch him sitting on a twig. I love it when the creeper is in flower – and before the ants strip it – and this chap and the little Planalto Hermit come zooming in. I had the camera handy, but grabbed it in such a hurry that I forgot to fully extend the zoom.
Struggling with my translation, but tiredness struck in the afternoon and I had to take a nap. By the time I woke up, it was time to pack up and leave. We had a good drive down, happy not to be crawling along in the traffic in the other direction, and arrived in Rio in good time to meet a friend at our local, well know to Digitaldaze and Barrioboy. We had a great meal and chat, assisted by caipirinhas (sugar cane liquor, lemon, ice and sugar) that were far too strong – I gave HH half of mine, which could explain his being a little wobbly on our way home. Our friend, who knows Brazil like the back of her hand and founded the Hidden Pousadas Brazil, site is leaving at the beginning of June – she’ll miss Brazil and we’ll miss her, but she says she’ll be back for our NYE party.

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