Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

What a beautiful blue sky!

This is not the blue sky, this is Billy :)

Late last night I watched Lewis (repeated for the unth time!) on ITV3, and lying on the sofa I fell asleep towards the end~waking up after midnight...oops!

When I woke up there was Billy on the back of the sofa 'riding high'! I though he looked so funny, I haven't seen him do this before!

It took him ages to realise I was actually getting up and going off to bed, so I managed to get a few shots in and this was the best one! I think I have seen Maud do this before, but I can't find that blip now!

At the morning service today, there was not only my friend grounded who was preaching today and her husband, but also another friend I haven't seen for a while who is doing an MA and will be ordained in September. What a lovely surprise to see her and catch up briefly :)

Off to make the most of sunshine in the garden while lunch (roast pork) is cooking, before going to the evening service tonight!

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