Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Sun, Sun, Sun

Quick blip today, I've got lots to do before work this afternoon.

I love the glistening petals on this (I think its a begonia, I've forgotten!) pink flower :)

Finally sent the forms off yesterday (worked out figures through info from work and bank statements in the end).

I still have to call them, wonder how long it will take to get through to the stupid government dept. listening to them telling you you can find loads of information on the website, when I actually need to speak to them~last time it was 45 minutes :( Its ridiculous you can't just speak to someone straight off!! Rant over....

Its Monday, how dare it be so hot and sunny when I have to go to work this afternoon!

All those of you that are on school holidays, you are very lucky, make the most of it :)

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