Election day

I slept badly but want the only one up at 2.15. #1 son was just going to bed,  #1 d in l was asleep, again, on the couch.  I was just thinking about what is to come.

Woke early and was back from the swim before 8.30. It was a beautiful day, blue skies and sunshine.  Olivia and I walked to Jaya for more milk and then to the pool. I lay on the water shaking up the rays (and getting pink in the process) while she pootled atoms in the water. Then we went to the Spa Garden to feed the fish. She can say 'fish' and 'door' and 'Peppa' now, but not 'granny'.

Lunch and then she fell asleep until I carried her across to Po Po's. She was childminding while we went to Tropicana to see 'Eye in the Sky'. It was excellent.

Then it was Korean paella, beer and home. No swim tonight as there was a huge electrical storm and some rain.

Back home it's the election. I think I won't be voting for the first time since I became able. My proxy is in Wales.

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