Steamboat birthday!

Routine day. Spent some of it dipping in and out of the election results. So I have a Labour MSP and my office a Conservative one. The ever changing political scene.

Did some letters with Olivia in the morning and then we went to both pools. She hasn't been in the main one for ages. It wasn't as sunny today which is probably just as well as my water relaxation overdid it a bit yesterday.

She had a sleep after lunch and I started to watch a video with #1 son. Turned out the version of 'Inside Out' bought last night had no English dialogue although it said it did. We watched in Mandarin with English subtitles. That'd probably why Olivia had a sleep.

It was a girl's night out for WH's aunt's birthday. It took ages to get to Cheras due to the Friday night traffic. Then to Coco Steamboat, Olivia, her mum, 2 auntie Wens and two great aunts on her grandad's side. I reckon she has 13 great aunts and another 6 by marriage and possibly another 2 step ones by marriage (not sure about that). 19 of that list are on her mum's side.

We had steamboar/hotpot, kinda like Chinese fondue. There looks like a lot of food but it reduces once you cook in the soup. I'm not that keen on it. Takes quite a bit of effort but cheap. I think it was under a fiver a head. Then back to the irthday aunt's house for royal (apple, cucumber, crackers and shrimp paste mixed up) and chocolate birthday cake. I have known these relations for 5 years and I still don't know there names. Didn't help by the fact they are called by their position eg Wen Shan is #2 aunt to Olivia and there is a word for that.

Got back from Cheras much quicker, before 11. Gordon had cleaned the house as agreed and I phoned mum then bed..

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