Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Felled a series of mini crises requiring my support.  Phew, what a day!  However, once again I seem to have scrambled through to the end of it in reasonable order, even if I'm rather later than usual posting my blip.

Took this in the nature reserve where in recent years too many beautiful mature trees have been felled to make way for other forms of wildlife.  On the grounds they're 'not native'.  Not a philosophy I have much time for.

Which reminds me, UK blippers, did you vote?  Ooo err, wasn't it complicated?  Because of boundary changes we had to vote for 3 different local councillors and give a first and second place to the police commissioner.  I found I was going to the polling station with a notebook of names so I remembered who I wanted to chose!

Enjoy what's left of the evening  xx

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