Grey day

Breaking news on the TV this morning delayed my walk. A Supreme Court Judge had issued an injunction suspending the mandate of the President (Leader?) of Congress, a decision that has now been unanimously confirmed by all the other judges.  Yet another chapter of Brazil’s political and corruption scandals unfolds.  Eduardo Cunha, the driving force behind the bid to impeach the President, had so far managed to stall a parliamentary inquiry into his own misdemeanours, and continues strenuously to deny that he has funds abroad, allegedly amassed from graft and traffic of influence. Who will be next? Since so many of our leaders and politicians are accused of crimes and corruption of all sorts, how many more heads will roll? Or will it all ‘end in pizza’, as they say here?
Grey skies today and rain threatening.  The man in the photo was one of two wielding something like a large shrimping net, and having trouble keeping his feet in the waves. The extra photo is of a photographic frenzy – two photographers shooting a very miserable looking Asian model, and a Spanish photographer who, like me, was snapping the action (well, he’s a pro and had some fancy equipment, so snapping’s probably the wrong word. I only had my mobile and couldn’t see what I was doing anyway, which is why I had to cut out the part where my thumb covered part of the lens).
Talking about miserable-looking models, someone sent me a photo of the launch of Dior’s New Look, in 1947. Four smiling models looking so happy. Who’s the miserable so-and-so who first decided that smiles were out of place on the catwalk?

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