The Way Forward

What seemed a good idea at the time turned into a nightmare this morning. Having had a good experience a few weeks ago hiring a small City Car Club car, we decided to hire the larger Toyota Auris Estate hybrid automatic car to collect my pre-ordered Ercol coffee table.
We had both read and reread the instructions, but it still defeated us with shrieking alarms going off, and windows not shutting being the least our troubles. For whatever reason His Lordship could not get it to drive properly and after struggling for too long, and the air blue with profanities, it became apparent that going anywhere in it was no longer an option and we managed to transfer our booking to the small one we had last time.

With a return of blood pressures to acceptable levels, we did manage to collect the coffee table and fit it into the small car. On returning to the Dower House, these two police horses trotted elegantly past the end of the garden and I had a brainwave. Next time we should hire two horses; surely we would only need a carrot to make them move.

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