School Run

The trees all seem to have burst into life overnight. Everything is so green suddenly. Fantastic!!
I love driving down this road in all seasons but especially these few weeks when everything comes to life.
I went over to Mrs A's after dropping off the Little Misses. It was lovely to see Baby H awake and then have a bit of a cuddle when he was asleep.
I was never a massive fan of the newborn phase and I certainly don't have a broody bone in my body but I must admit he's very cute and is very cuddly!
Mrs A came too and we had lovely few hours chatting, drinking cups of tea and scoffing tasty biscuits.
I eventually dragged myself away so I'd have a couple of hours getting ready for the car boot sale tomorrow before going to get the Little Misses at 5pm.
It gave me the opportunity to go through their cupboards and drawers and pack up some things without them noticing!
I don't have anywhere near as much tat as I did for the car boot sales I did last Summer but it's amazing how quickly boxes fill up once you're wandering through the house with an eye to what you can get rid of!
After giving the Little Misses their dinner and leaving them in Mr K's capable hands and ignoring the Friday night madness I went into Buckingham to meet Mrs Z for dinner.
It was fabulous to see her as ever. We had yummy food, discussed big changes and  generally had a lovely time!
And it was free with Tescos vouchers, woohoo!

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