The Mulberry Tree

This year's Mulberry tree that stands on the site of my childhood home is loaded with berries in various stages of ripening. It is also loaded with Cedar Waxwings who feast indiscriminately on the fruit.

I have always loved Mulberries, too, but all of the trees have grown beyond my partaking. I search under the trees for fallen fruit, rarely finding a ripe or near ripe berry, and I think of Star. My dear little cocker/beagle mix came to live with us two years after I brought home Music. She was love dog, pure affection, happy, hungry and rather funny looking. She made a great companion for the more reserved Music. Their beach rambles are still memorable: the freedom.

Anyway, Star has been gone almost two years, but whenever the Mulberry tree shares its bounty of berries and birds, I can't help remembering Star's great pleasure in grazing beneath the tree. Her pleasure was all in the waving flag of her tail above the grasses.

I include a picture of star's sweet face as an extra. Also two of the birds in sepia.

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