
After the relief of discovering that Lowry, our briefly adopted black stray, has returned safely to the golf club, today has been all about my new mobile, which arrived yesterday together with our son-in-law, here for a wedding. Very exciting and hugely time-wasting, since I now have Whatsapp and have been exchanging messages and photos with the family – all through the fog of a nagging headache. So now I’m off to bed and HH to Scottish Country dancing, which I had completely forgotten about.
We were surprised to find this chap (blipped previously, here) in the sitting room at lunch time. The question is, is he a Rio cousin, or did he come down from the hills in our baggage? I couldn’t leave him loose, or bring myself to kill him, so suggested Maria should take him to show to her children, and then let him go somewhere where he can’t do much harm. Anyway, it’s the first photo with my new phone. Lots of room for improvement.

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