
Bad bad morning. Night was ok. But breakfasttime this morning was just unbearably stressful and I ended up in tears. I don't know what made it so stressful!

We went down to the beach for a play though as the sun was shining. Steve and Chris set to building giant sandcastles, the kids played happily, Charley investigated the sand until he shouted that he was tired and wanted to go to sleep. Ben and Nathaniel and Aruna then spent a very happy half hour (at least) jumping and sliding down a mountain into a valley that Steve dug and built for them over and over - who needs sandcastles when you are three and four years old?! We had real sand-wiches on the beach, and discussed the afternoon.

We (Steve and I and our boys) spent the afternoon in Mumbles primarily on a laundry run but we found time to sample another little bakeshop. Three tables inside, no loo. Ben refused all the (fabulous) cakes so he had an icecream from the newsagents next door, and he made me eat the chocolate off the sides so he could have the icecream inside. Charley ate my purse. Then Ben announced, completely out of nowhere, But mummy I need a Poo! It's coming out by itself mummy!! I can laugh now...

Pizza for tea. Four homemade pizzas, cooked one after the other, on the only shelf in the oven, using the only piece of baking paper we had, reclaimed from around my ginger cake. Got to love self-catering.

Steve caught the lurgy during the day and took himself off to bed in one of the bunk beds mid-evening, just after we'd swapped the bedrooms around so we could have the bigger sofabed, and mum and dad could have the double room. I'd already put Ben to bed on the bottom bunk. Then I got abandoned by mum and dad as well, but they did help get the sofabed set up for me and Charley after I squeaked in despair of ever getting to bed!

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