
It seems like any other night.
An episode of Wallander while finishing some knitting.
A short read in bed before switching off the light but neglecting the switch to my brain.

Perhaps it is too much family socialising, or perhaps it is too many circuits of the Champs Elysees, but the grey matter is in overdrive, body tossing and turning and restless legs in perpetual motion.

Eventually I give in and get up to make a cup of hot chocolate and finish reading my book.
Back in bed, the brain and body still in a conspiracy of wakefulness.
Another look at the clock and the realisation that there could be a blip in this suffering.

Up to collect the camera and the deed is done.
Surely now.....

I feel myself rising through levels of consciousness.
I hear a distant door bang. I open an eye and look at the clock.
6.38am I must have fallen asleep.

At Last!

A thank you to all who wrote such charming comments on my big number blip yesterday.They were much appreciated even though I find it hard to really believe them!

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