It's Gone .........

......Thanks to a punch in the mouth from Nanna according to him
And so he awaits the arrival of the tooth fairy.

This morning we went to the school to see his assembly by (a late) invitation from the school.
When we arrived there was a 'feedback' form sitting on each seat.
Apparently this assembly was to show us how well they (the school) were doing with religious education.
What we saw was a wee show about inner courage and strength.
The only hint of 'religion' was a mention of Daniel In The Lions Den where he had the courage to face the lions in defence of his beliefs.
The feedback form is full of 'Buzz Words' and such which mean nothing to anyone outside of the education system.
The headmistress is not going to like the feedback that comes winging her way from me, SWMBO or Bags. No doubt she will ignore it as see did with the last letter I wrote to her (I put my name and address on my form just in case) - but if she does then I will be looking for an appointment and also complaining to the Education Board.

The garden centre was dead when we went to have coffee and cake with Chicken Lady - unheard of for a Friday afternoon - which meant that we could have a good natter whilst the monsters played on the toy digger without disturbing anyone.

SWMBO was at a girls night out for a 50th birthday but was home again before 11pm (she hasn't had a good week). I have yet to hear how the  wooden pot complete with sixpence from her year of birth went down.

Extras are the fish that the monsters insisted on going to see at the garden centre and 'the pot'

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