
By katgirl


I love Jack's stripes. I hope he keeps them, although most gray cats lose them as they mature. He is gigantic. He is finally losing his baby teeth, which puts him at about 4 months old but he is as big as Pearl now! Either we have his age wrong or he is going to be a huge cat.

I worry sometimes that Pearl doesn't like being pounced and wrestled upon. But if I pick her up to protect her, she jumps right back in to the fire. When she has had enough, she finds her safe spot on top of the kitchen cabinets. Jack isn't much of a jumper, so he hasn't figured that out yet.

This is such a different picture than Faye and Pearl resting calmly on the bed. I do so miss Faye, but I am glad to have playful & energetic Jack. I hope that Jack is helping Pearl forget her grief as well.

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