My Kingdom for a Horse!

Outdoor art installation at Leicester Cathedral commemorating Richard III.

I'd been to singing lesson then nipped into Leicester on the bus with Basil to get a photo of tourists for this week's alphabet challenge - T for tourist. 

The Richard III Centre seemed  the obvious destination, and did not disappoint.

Then we caught the no. 19 back again, except it took us along the Narborough Road and around Braunstone before getting to our bus stop. I didn't mind because I saw a little of Braunstone's marvellous park. The trees are so voluptuous at the moment.

Len was in bed early because he has to get up at silly o clock to be fetched for George's 'stag' weekend. I watched Lewis. Umpteenth time I've seen the episode where he confronts his wife's killer, but I was too lazy to try iPlayer instead.

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