Monyash circular

It had been on the cards to have another day's climbing, but S had other fish to fry so I went out with 'my' Ramblers group and had a good chinwag with lots of folk I haven't seen for a couple of weeks. 

A, who is at least ten years older than me but somewhat fitter, suggested that we two went up and over the top to walk along the edge, rather than down by the river in Lathkill Dale, and we were rewarded with some superb views and a carpet of what I think I've identified as Green-winged Orchids.  I would've taken a photo of them but A was walking even faster than S does... and that's saying something.

Anyway it stayed dry, and was even hot, until I was driving home and then the heavens opened.

9.28 miles
3 hours 17 minutes
1138 ft ascent

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