Fun Factory

Tea and toast in bed this morning, before getting ourselves up and ready to go to our grandaughters' joint birthday party.

Olivia is 3 and her sister, Isabella will be 1....their birthdays are just two days apart, so middle son and daughter in law booked a joint birthday party at the Fun Factory. The little ones love these indoor soft play areas.......this one was quite good actually, in terms of space and noise that is, for the oldies like us ;-) I think there was around 15 children and their parents in our party. We were just one of several parties though......I think they should give out earplugs haha!!

It took us an hour to drive over to Stoke, two hours at the party, plus half an hour to say goodbye to everyone, including tracking down our four granddaughters in amongst the play zones, they were having a great time :-)

The actual party was in a separate area, with pizza and lots of other kiddies goodies. When the cakes were brought out everyone sang happy birthday. Olivia had a Peppa Pig cake whilst Isabella had her own, not sure what the theme was, I didn't get a good look at that one. Both were made by DiLs friend and were absolutely gorgeous both in how they looked, and tasted! Just had our slices now with a cuppa when we got back after another hours drive home ;-)

I took loads of photos but thought this one was perfect to remember their day. They all look so happy, this shot includes middle son, he's holding Isabella, with Caitlyn behind, eldest, Paige on the left and Olivia beside her. Uncle Robert was providing the fun with an app on his fun which distorts their faces, and on the right, cousin Samantha enjoying herself too!

We are just watching the England v Turkey footy friendly on TV at the moment before having a light tea tonight. Think it's going to be salad of pears with balsamic and,honey dressing, Shropshire blue cheese and walnuts ;-)

The day has ended with a beautiful evening, we have warm sunshine and clear blue skies.

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