Capital adventures

By marchmont


One night I will go to bed at 11, fall asleep and wake up at 8 the following morning. Last night wasn't that night. I think I woke 3 times.

It didn't rain today but the office was hot and sticky. 4 of us worked steadily, click, clack, click, clack and not a lot of chat. The most exciting event was first thing when newbie N set off the intruder alarm when he opened the office door. Somehow I got left to wash the mugs - maybe a rota is needed!

I walked slowly up the road, tired and with a splitting headache. Another quiet night in.

The Fringe is just around the corner and quite ordinary buildings are being transformed in to 'Venues'. this is The Pleasance - in a couple of weeks it will be full of revellers drinking Fosters and queues of hopefuls outside. I hope the sun shines on them.

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