Scilla violacea, on Tiny Tuesday

I finally managed to get the strimmer powered up and without the previous clogging of the engine through dirty petrol.  The impact it made was very pleasing to my eyes, but the effect on my body isn't so pleasurable.

Before making a healthy salad for supper I managed a short time in the cabin trying to get a Tiny Tuesday challenge entry. I had chosen a plant some days ago but managed to drop it and squashed the delicate flowers. Luckily I had a younger offshoot in a separate pot and here it is.

I think it is Ledebouria socialis –  Scilla violacea, and I got it when it appeared on a pot plant I bought many years ago.  I think a seed had landed on the plant I bought and the invader has been far more successful. I do make an effort to nurture it as I love these flowers and the beautiful mottled green leaves that push out from its bulb. This flower is one of the first to fully open this year and in this open state each tiny flower is probably less than 5 millimetres wide. I can't go and measure it now as it is outside in the cabin and I am lazy tonight as well as having aching limbs.  More strimming tomorrow and a lot of planting up seedlings I hope.

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