Butterflies, Beetle and Bouncy Red Squirrel

Another amazingly hot day in Provence! With French strike action causing fuel shortages, we dared not drive anywhere today, saving our fuel for when we need to hit the road again. So today we pottered around Orange again. We returned to Parc Collins Saint-Eutrope, which shows the few remnants of walls from a 14th century fortress, built by the Princes of Baux. It's now a haven for wildlife, hence my collage - too many lovely critters to choose from.

Here we have butterflies: Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui), Small White (Pieris rapae) and, in pride of place, Scarce Swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius). Also spotted a tiny green, iridescent beetle on a thistle. After much online searching, I've discovered it rejoices in a number of common names: False Oil Beetle, Thick-legged Flower Beetle and Swollen-thighed Beetle (Oedemera nobillis).

While I was watching butterflies (including a tiny pale blue one and a gatekeeper, both of which eluded me), a branch above my head suddenly dipped, and there was this red squirrel. It's the first one I've seen since I was in Wiesbaden - and that one was too fast for me to photograph.

Thanks for all the kind comments and étoiles for my poppies yesterday.

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