Cheeky charmer

A very slow start from Rio this morning, as HH finalized some work. Then we had to get the water pressure pump off the wall to see if someone in the hills can mend it – planned obsolescence rules in Rio, and maybe up here too. Once almost anything could be mended in Brazil, but commercial interests are putting an end to that.
After a late lunch at the club, HH went off to play a few holes and I sat down to work, with half an eye on the Real Madrid vs Atletico de Madrid, in the company of this delightful little boy. He was so cute that I had to take a photo, but otherwise, he was concentrating on the vagaries of the wifi connection and his attempt to watch something on Netflix and didn’t keep me from my work. However, a rather solitary newish member who rarely speaks to anyone came over, sat down, and asked in excellent English if I was in favour of Brexit. From Brexit, conversation went to Brazilian politics and corruption, then on to sustainability and the dire environmental situation. He was extremely well informed and articulate and it was very interesting to hear his views – but obviously, no work got done, neither did I catch up with my Blips.
Back home after 7 pm, we found that our caretaker had been taken ill and rushed off to hospital. His worried grandson was left guarding the fort and hadn’t managed to contact anyone for news of the situation. Just as we were wondering what to do for the best, they returned, driven by hunger. It’s to be hoped that the return of his appetite is a sign that Manoel is recovering, because in seven hours at the first aid post, waiting along with some 200 others, he had not been seen by a doctor. A tragic illustration of the public health system all over Brazil – ill-equipped hospitals, not enough doctors, poorly trained professionals at all levels, a chronic shortage of materials and medicaments, and the politicians and fat cats siphoning off millions - billions, even - into their offshore accounts. Thank heavens some of them are finally being held to account.

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