An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Holiday Hat...

In its natural habitat! :-))

I'm sure you'll agree it looks much more at home than when it was previously blipped.

I was going to blip Bruv in law in his baywatch swimming trunks posing rather alluringly with a parasol at the side of the pool but he has forbidden me! spoilsport!

I sat outside in the early hours of this morning enjoying the slightly cooler air and gazing at the heavens in complete wonder. The night skies here are absolutely stunning. No pollution from street lights, cloud free, and stars that look like huge glittering diamonds against rich, black velvet. Everything was completely still and quiet and for a moment I felt I was the only person left on earth....or the universe. Exhilarating yet slightly un-nerving at the same time.

I so wanted to blip that wonderful sight but inspite of using my tripod, remote shutter release, setting my lens to MF and infinity (at least I think it was set to infinity) as well as slow shutter speed (even tried bulb mode) all I have to show for my efforts is some blackness and a couple of shots with one or two silver dots! Any advice on how to shoot the night sky greatly received. :-))

D & I were up early this morning to visit Pontivy, a little town we have visted lots on previous visits to this region and I got to visit one of my favourite French shops, Maison du Monde. I am a happy bunny. :-))

Coffee in the Square then back to the holiday house to another sweltering afternoon (88 degrees!!) of relaxation. Thought my tan was developing nicely given that I don't tan, just freckle and frazzle! till I realised the red dye from the top I was wearing had transferred all over my arms!

D'accord, time for chilled chablis and a seat in the evening sun with my book.


Can't believe this time next week we'll be back to crap weather!

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