"The Earth laughs in flowers."

Dear Diary,

I've always loved that Ralph Waldo Emerson quote.  Right now around here the Earth is really having a good chuckle.  Everywhere you look there is something blooming or preparing to bloom.  Today I chose the diminutive Columbine.  It is a demure little flower, hanging out in the shadows, but when you look closely at it you can see its complexity.  If one takes the time to really stare into the upturned faces of flowers you can see marvelous things.

The perennial planting is mostly done and the studio is all tidied up.  A very busy but productive few days.  While I was working in the studio yesterday I determined that I would try to find an economical way to heat it this winter.  I miss being in that creative space for months at a time and winter is the time you want to be hole up in a studio!

Today is supposed to be quite summer-like but not as bad as last week.  We have to take what comes our way weather-wise, make the most of it and do what we can.  If it gets too hot there is always the porch and a good book!

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