Early Morning on the Hill

Despite my lower back pain and elastic strapping I am well able to walk. So I headed for the Wither Hills Farm Park early this morning. I haven't been up on the hills for ages. I had almost forgotten how much I love being there. The early light was quite special and I stopped frequently to photograph and admire the views. Rachel my friend caught up with me. It was lovely to walk and talk with her.
This afternoon our gardener friend Ken was able to spend a couple of hours helping me with gardening tasks. I raked leaves and he scooped them up. We now have a trailer full of leaves and other garden rubbish all loaded up ready to be taken the Green Waste Composting Depot tomorrow.
Keith and I have been married for 50 years today. Heavens - that is half a century! Where have all those years gone to? We have been very low key over this anniversary however it was lovely to receive a huge bunch of flowers from daughter Margaret, Steve and Emily. A very satisfying day... :-)

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