Girls Painting.

A few years ago we began what has become our tradition...i absolutely love starting these traditions with my daughters!   Each time the three of us are together we get 3 canvases, acrylic paint and brushes and off we go and paint all 3 together as one image....then we divide them up and we each take one home!   We began this one a bit differently....we each took a turn with our first marks doing it with our eyes closed!   Turned out to be a pretty funky looking piece!

Once we completed the painting we set to cleaning and getting the house we rented back into order!   Then off to take Morgan to meet Ace, she was heading back to Vancouver, and Bronwyn and i got the ferry to Nanimo.   A funny thing happened on our way from Nanimo to Victoria.  There was one potter on the island i knew i wanted to visit, had no idea where on the island she was.   Just on our way out of Nanimo there was a sign to her studio.   I treated myself to one of Mary Fox's pots... what a treat it was to visit her and see her studio.

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