Dill Delight!

Our veggie patch is right outside our kitchen window and because of the nature of construction I can often eyeball little birds as they work their way around the veggies.  This dear little bird was having a fine time with the Dill that has gone to seed.  (Yesterday's macro)  Fortunately for me, the camera was at hand and a quick change of lenses meant I could capture this little character.   This particular Dill plant was also my Tiny Tuesday entry way back on the 22nd of March.  It has proven to be very blip friendly!!

Tiny Tuesday Week 54 
I thought perhaps that this week we could have a seasonal theme for our macro images.  Try to capture an image that literally showcases the season/weather you are experiencing in your part of the world.  After the wonderful celebratory blips that came in I'm going to try and put forward some more challenging themes when I'm hosting the challenge.  If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear from you.
Don't forget to tag your entries next week TT54, TinyTuesday54, TinyTuesday.  

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