A Pair of Rabbits ...

... and a Photobombing Tree!

Recovery from this injury of mine is certainly proving to be quite a journey. I'm finding it hard to record the details daily on this very public journal, and I took a break from posting last week (indeed a break from the computer as much as possible), just catching up yesterday evening with the return of some energy - although that's not really the right word. 

What I've actually been lacking is hard to describe. This really has been the strangest experience, one that I'm finding impossible to put into words. I did feel very low at the beginning of last week. It was as if my mental battery had refused to take any charge. It felt like no current was flowing. Waking up in the morning was a ridiculously slow process. It's like I couldn't reboot myself into full consciousness. 

After a physical treatment on Thursday I did experience a shift, a release of something I've been holding in my body, which may or may not explain why the reboot process was even longer and more difficult than usual on Friday morning. It took some physical exercise to help things along, and after that I felt much more like the self I know. 

When words fail me I always try to let the image speak for me. I have no idea what this is saying, but it feels right. 

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