Fairy Circle

Dear Diary,

After the true dandelions have gone these little "false dandelions" appear all over mowed lawns in my area of Maine.  They start out as circles, here and there, and if left to their devices will quickly cover the space.  I like the circle stage.  I call them fairy circles where, if you have that sort of fanciful imagination, the fairies dance.  I used my tiny fairy silhouette sculpture to illustrate the idea.

These little flowers will only open in sun.  If the day is heavily overcast then they stay closed.  There is a field down the road from me with a tree in the middle.  The flowers grow all around but stay away from the area covered by the tree's shadow. (extra)  This always makes me smile.  They know where they are happiest.  It also makes me think of a quote from Helen Keller:  "Keep your face to the sun and you won't see the shadows."

I think I have tried to have that kind of attitude all my life.  Yes, we have to acknowledge the shadows in our lives but we don't have to spend all our time looking at them until that is all we see.  I prefer to follow Helen Keller's advice and keep my face turned toward the light.

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